Local Action
We know local changemakers are best at solving local challenges. That’s why we support projects and social enterprises serving local communities.
Global Community
Inspire bold action, spread best practices, and volunteer time and talent in local impact organizations around the world.

Projects come in all shapes and sizes, but they all are run by teams assembled to solve critical issues and drive real impact. Every day World Meritors are launching, growing, and leading projects that achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in their communities

Challenges are initiated by a sponsor or by a project team. Teams or members are asked to step forward to carry out an action within a given period of time and compete for the highest impact. Challenges are simple ways to simultaneously undertake impact activity regionally or globally.

Events bring together World Merit members to learn, share, and be inspired. World class speakers and personalities attend World Merit events, as do senior executives from business and government.
Enabling Local Action

The World Merit Platform
Any World Merit member, or team of members, can use the World Merit Platform developed by World Merit Limited. The World Merit Platform assists teams in planning, recruiting, communicating, managing, tracking, and reporting impact.

Global Action Impact Accelerator (GAIA)
GAIA is World Merit’s premier accelerator. Our online, three-month program supercharges local efforts with world-class resources, grants, critical skills trainings, leadership coaching, and social enterprise mentorship. GAIA kicked off with our first cohort of 50 leaders from five countries on January 4th, 2021 followed by a second cohort completed in early 2022. We recently launched a special Merit Councils edition of GAIA in March 2024 with 18 starting councils in 10 countries.
Learn more about our latest GAIA here and become a member on the World Merit Platform to learn more about our previous editions.

Merit Stars
Merit Stars program spotlights individuals making outsized community impacts. Merit Stars receive personalized mentorship, access to an exclusive peer-learning network, and priority consideration for micro acceleration grants.
Learn more and apply to become a Merit Star here: https://forms.gle/bpD1Z92hnFxfFyt58

Action University
The Action University is launched in 2024. Members learn just-in-time skills aimed at advancing their impact, from promotion to recruiting to project management.

Volunteers 4 Cause (V4C)
An initiative of World Merit with a mission to connect volunteers with opportunities to serve in their local communities. Today there are V4C chapter in more than a dozen countries serving more than 100 of community based-organizations. Find out more, start a local V4C chapter, or donate here.
Support the World Merit Community

Sponsor a Challenge
Work with the World Merit team to create a challenge that meets your passion for impact. Create and define a challenge and sponsor prizes such as internships and grants. Challenges ask for and reward participation and competition among teams for the greatest impact over a fixed period, generally four to six months.

Financially Support Action
Donations are most useful when left undesignated, for the general fund. These funds are applied to the areas of most need, including technical and organizational staff and intern stipends. Donations can also be sent to a project requesting qrant support, or more generally to advance a particular SDG or to support actions in a geographic region.

Mentor, Teach, Judge
General advice and skill support is often sought from qualified mentors, who contribute their experience and skills. Members who want to build their skills seek out skill-building classes at the Action University. Teachers are welcome to create, teach, and record short or long classes virtually. Competitions within sponsored challenges and in the GAIA accelerator require judging, and judges are needed constantly.
Celebrating Action

Celebrating Member
Rizzo Mungka
Rizzo is Vice President of World Merit Malaysia and one of four IT developers behind Malaysia’s national Covid-19 Track and Trace Technology. Rizzo’s work for the country has helped to effectively allocated millions of dollars of public funding.

Celebrating Project
Natal Cares
Natal Cares combines mobile technology, machine learning and low-cost innovation to combat maternal and infant mortality in Nigeria. They provide support to nearly 30 local health centers in rural Nigeria and reached 1,000s of nursing and pregnant mothers in Nigeria.